Hair Straightening Damage

Hair straightening, which is the process used to soften or eliminate wavy hair, has become increasingly popular. Unfortunately significant damage can be caused by poor technique or professional incompetence.

The two most popular techniques are chemical hair straightening and thermal reconditioning using heated hair irons. If carried out incorrectly both processes have the potential to cause serious permanent damage to hair.

Chemical straightening actually alters the basic structure of curly hair so that it can be straightened.

There is potential for permanent damage if the chemicals are applied to your hair incorrectly .There are a number of problems associated with chemically treated hair. The chemicals used can cause severe irritation of the scalp. The hair can become very damaged, dry, and brittle. If the chemicals come into contact with or end up on the scalp, face or neck, severe burns can occur.

Too many chemicals can severely damage hair. Any recent chemical processes done to your hair such as hair colouring, bleaching or hair relaxing can cause serious problems including hair loss and breakage if you decide to have further treatment done. In many cases, hair has been damaged from previous home straightening, incorrect colouring procedures, sun exposure and chemical applications. Failure to make a detailed enquiry about your hair care regime or to thoroughly examine your hair could result in preventable damage occurring.

A hair strand test should always be done first to determine whether your hair can accept the chemicals. A strand test will help determine your hair’s characteristics, the texture of your hair, how strong it is, elasticity, and porosity. The test may involve your hair being pulled to determine how elastic it is and then a small amount of relaxer is applied to see how the hair reacts.

Once your strand-test is complete, your hairdresser will know whether it can handle the chemicals, or what alternative should be used.

Aftercare guidance should always be provided to ensure that your hair is properly cared for to avoid further damage.

If you think you have suffered any type of accident or trauma from hairdressing, click on the claim form or phone us free on 0844 586 5704.